Tuesday, January 22, 2008

jual beli jam mewah dll

saya juga jual beli jam mewah , barang mewah life style, vintage, barang antik, tua dll
Saya menjual pemotong cerutu davidoff/cigar cutter davidoff antik sekali (Davidoff Stainless Steel Scissors no: 090263, silahkan googling saja. Harga 300usd... saya cuma jual 800rb aja.. dijamin bagus banget banget, 100% .. nego
juga bersedia jual beli jam bulgary, rolex, omega, dll. juga keramik eropa dan cina... patung perunggu, dll hubungi saya boy 02171279170/085921742248

ekspose gambar kristal kostaboda

di atas adalah gambar kristal kualitas tinggi (jauh di atas bohemia dan sejenisnya) hand made sweden merk kostaboda dengan tawaran harga menarik. Silahkan hubungi boy 02171279170(fleksi)/ 085921742248.... juga bonus berupa sovenir botol dari columbia-amerika selatan... semua produk saya yang diiklankan ini nego banget,tx

aritkel baru 4

Set noritake japan (bukan filipina / srilanka)dengan contoh 4 buah perlengkapan ( dari total kelengkapan dinner set 6 orang-an) diatas senilai 12-16 juta... Saya tawarkan dengan harga hanya 4-5jt saja, dngan bonus 3 kelengkapan ssajian dari noritake dan set minum teh narumi original japan. hubungi boy 02171279170/085921742248

artikel baru 3

1set pajangan perlengkapan makananan dari royal doulton yang total seharga 4juta bonus pajangan royal antoinette saya tawarkan seharga 2,1jt saja. juga set minum kahla germany, antik, klasik serta pajangan germany dan asbak dubarry ditawarkan seharga 1juta saja. hubungi boy 02171279170/085921742248

artikel baru 2

kristal dalam gamar ini adalah 2set gelas kristal waterford, krista orredors, kristal duck, kristal kostaboda hand made swedem artist dan pajangan keramik wedgwood england. semua barang koleksi berharga ini jauh lebih murah dibandingkan harga konternya walaupun nilainya sangat tinggi. silahkan hubungi boy 02171279170/085921742248

Monday, January 21, 2008

artikel baru

ada 5 item baru yg saya pajang.. pertama keramik unik negro man setinggi 35 cm-an... kedua patung 35cm-an bentuk rajawali dari bone ceramics hand made italy artist jaman lawas..... ketiga buket bunga porselen capodimonte original spain diameter 30-40cm.... kemudian jam duduk keramik ansley England original dan jam Japan made with 24k gold tinggi 20cm-an normal dan antik.. Semua kondisi bagus dengan harga variasi dan kondisi mint / klasik... kisaran harga dari 700rb s/d 2,9jt nego... hubungi 02171279170 boy 085921742248

Tuesday, January 15, 2008



Kosta, the parent glassworks of Kosta Boda and the oldest glassworks in Sweden that is still in operation, has a fascinating history that forms a valuable part of our Swedish cultural heritage. The glassworks was founded in 1742 by the governors of the counties of Kronoberg and Kalmar, Anders Koskull and Georg Bogislaus Stael von Holstein, both former generals in the army of Karl XII and distinguished veterans of the battle of Narva, among others.
Until the end of the nineteenth century the glass from Kosta was designed by the glassblowers themselves. At the Stockholm exhibition in 1897 the glassworks was criticized for the uniformity of its glass, which led to the idea of enlisting designers and artists in production. The first designer to be employed by Kosta was Gunnar G:son Wennerberg. The year was 1898. Ever since then a large number of artists and designers have enriched the glassmaking tradition of the works with their artistic talents. Today, Kosta Boda has a unique right to describe itself as an art industry, in which designers and craftsmen work closely together in the ongoing development of handmade utility glass and art glass. This diversity of individual artistic expression and the free and uninhibited creative process have become the distinguishing characteristics of the Kosta Boda brand.
In addition to the parent works in Kosta, Kosta Boda today includes the two ”daughter works” of Boda (founded in 1864) and Åfors (founded in 1876); a partnership that was formed in 1964. Both Boda and Åfors were originally relatively simple glassworks that manufactured utility glass. Boda experienced a period of glory in the 1960s and 1970s, under the innovative and dynamic artistic leadership of Erik Höglund, a heritage that is now carried on by Kjell Engman and Monica Backström. Åfors has been the home of the designer couple Ulrica Hydman-Vallien and Bertil Vallien, who, together with Gunnel Sahlin and now also Olle Brozén, have brought a renaissance to the small glassworks and local community. In 1990 Kosta was acquired by its former competitor Orrefors.
Today, several designers have firm ties with Kosta Boda: Anna Ehrner, Göran Wärff, Kjell Engman, Ulrica Hydman-Vallien, Bertil Vallien and Olle Brozén. Colorful, handmade art glass from the works in Kosta, Boda and Åfors have made Kosta Boda one of Sweden’s strongest brands, and one of the world’s leading glass companies. Glass from Kosta Boda is sold all over the world. Roughly 50 percent of production is sold outside Scandinavia, with some of its biggest markets in the US, Japan, Germany and Australia. The origins of this glass, the living tradition of craftsmanship developed in the glassworks in Kosta, Boda and Åfors, is a heritage that every Swede has a right to feel proud of. from http://www.kostaboda.com/
Since 1904, Noritake has been bringing beauty and quality to dinner tables around the world. Superior artistry and craftsmanship, attention to detail and uncompromising commitment to quality have made Noritake an international trademark during this past century.
The Noritake of today grew out of a trading company that was originally established by the Morimura Brothers in New York in 1876. This trading company imported chinaware, curios, paper lanterns and other gift items. In 1904, the forerunner of the Noritake Company was established in the village of Noritake, a small suburb near Nagoya, Japan. The goal of this first factory was to create western style dinnerware for export. It took until 1914, however, to create the first porcelain dinnerware plate that was suitable for export.
The earliest dinnerware plates were mostly hand-painted, often with liberal applications of gold. By the early 1920's, Noritake introduced assembly line techniques which allowed for mass production of high quality, yet affordable dinnerware. In the ensuing decades, Noritake continued to perfect it's production capabilities and expand to markets world-wide.
Today, Noritake is an acknowledged leader in tableware manufacturing and marketing with subsidiaries, factories and affiliates around the world. Our products are sold to customers in over 100 countries and are used in hotels, restaurants and airlines throughout the world. Join us in continuing the Noritake tradition... distinctive designs, innovative technology and superior product quality.from http://www.noritake.com/

obral noritake

Obral satu dinner set noritake seharga 12s/d 15jt... Seperti tampak dalam gambar saya lepas seharga 5.7jt. Bonus free 3 buah perlengkapan minum teh noritake dan narumi senilai 4-5jt juga.... semua masih original japan, bukan buatan/lisensi srilanka atau indonesia... juga terdapat beragam kelengkapan royal albert dan royal antoinette serta aneka porselen keramik jerman, spanyol, itali, Capodimonte, dll .. semua adalah pajangan elegan dan berkelas... foto2 akan saya upload besok....

boleh sharing untuk para penggemar barang barang ini....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

about environmental issue

Guys all. Saya sangat tertarik untuk membicarakan masalah lingkungan hidup.. bahkan saya menggemari barang antik dan lawas karena juga berkaitan dengan isu reduce-reuse-recycling... bagaiamana anda anda yang lain ... tertarik untuk berkomentar tentang isu l.h. dan hubungannya dengan hoby yang bahkan dapat sekaligus menghasilkan dan memberi nilai tambah? Saya yakin orang yg menjiwai barang2 antik dan lawas punya kontribusi positif yntuk lingkungan hidup kita,

Next deal

Deal berikutnya adalah 1 set kristal kualitas tinggi buatan Swedia yaitu Kostaboda. Ada 4 buah kristal yang sangat terawat baik,bermutu tinggi dan presentasi kristal Pb0 jauh di atas 24% ( Bohemia yang lazim dipasaran PBo nya 24%)... Tidak seperti kristal bohemia dll yang kemana kita tengok di mal/toko pasti ada, Kristal Kostaboda pemasarannya hanya di mal paling terkemuka seperti PS, PIM, Senayan City... Biasanya Kostaboda bersanding dengan barang yg selevel dengannya, seperti Orrefors,Daum, Crystal de Sevres, bahkan Baccarat.

Satu set terdiri dari 4 buah kristal tinggi sekitar 40cm ini di toko sekitar 2 s/d 3 juta perbuah.. Saya tawarkan di sini hanya 6juta rupiah. bonus mini kristal kostaboda setinggi 2ocm senilai 1,5jt... Barang semua kondisinya mint, ok dan siap pajang.. Sangat menghemat.. dan nego harganya. Gambar silahkan lihat di atas. hubungi 02171279170/085921742248


Saya mencoba menawarkan beberapa item di atas ini.. boleh didiskusikan ataupun ditawar:
1. Yang paling atas adalah gambar lukisan bali, PENARI...
Lukisan ini dibuat oleh pelukis bali I.B.Kalem, tahun 70 - 80. Sangat mint,lawas-antik, terawat baik, dengan lukisan penari bali yang sempurna anatominya.. buka harga 4juta rupiah nego...
2. Kemudian 2 gambar berikutnya adalah table clock made in spain
Spesifikasi:table clock Bronpor made in Spain, dengan genuine certificate+pure 24kt goldplated... tinggi sekitar 40cm, bahan logam+24kt plated dan marmer eropa, mesin jam: germany...Sangat elit, mulus banget, klasik, mint dan susah dicari di pasar2 antik, kecuali anda ingin beli baru, mungkin kalau ada antara 8 - 12jt... Saya cuma tawarkan di harga lima juta rupiah , nego
3. Terakhir adalah dua gambar porcelain hand made by Germany Artist bernuansa Tropis:
Judul lengkap adalah: Annual Plate 1981 Design Hans Achtziger"Tropical Skies"Limited Edition
material: porcelain, manufacturer: "Lorenz Hutschenreuther AG", Germany, artist: Hans Achtziger, size: diameter: Ø25,5cm (10") height: 3,5cm (1½). Karena limited edition maka piring porselein yang canti anggun dan sangat mint ini tentu jarang sekali... Saya buka harga 2,5jt.. silahkan yang berminat untuk nego/diskusi...


Halo.. saya Adrian.. Butiklawas dapat menjadi arena diskusi sekitar barang yang diburu karena antik dan atau lawas.... apa aja terserah.. mau tukar info,berbagi info dan diskusi juga boleh.tx.. Saya juga memasarkan beberapa item yang termasuk kategori barang diburu/hunting, kolektibel dan antik, unik maupun tua.... berminat nego / membeli? hubungi 71279170/085921742248... Mau ikutan jualan? boleh boleh aja...